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St John's Church of England

Primary School

Year Five 2022.23

Welcome to the Year 5 page for this year!

This will be updated with information and pictures about what we are learning each half term. 

We are really looking forward to another fantastic year with another brilliant set of children. 

Mrs Schofield and Mr Hilton


Take a look at our long term plan for 2022.23

Summer 2

Below are the knowledge organisers for you to open and view to see what we will be learning in Year 5 this half term. Some of these knowledge organisers will be added to by the children as they are taught, so that they can show their learning journey.


 Computing 3D Modelling.pdfDownload
 DT Playgrounds.pdfDownload
 French Summer 2.pdfDownload
 History Ancient Greeks Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
 PE Rounders Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
 PSHE Acceptance Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
 RE Pentecost Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
 Science Earth and Space Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
Showing 1-8 of 8

Summer 1

Below are the knowledge organisers for you to open and view to see what we will be learning in Year 5 this half term. Some of these knowledge organisers will be added to by the children as they are taught, so that they can show their learning journey.

 Art Every Picture Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
 French Summer 1 Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
 Geography South America Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
 PSHE Enterprise Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
 RE Teachings of Jesus Knowledge organiser.pdfDownload
 Science Forces and Magnets Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
Showing 1-6 of 6

We had a fantastic trip to Southport to carry out some fieldwork by reading a map, finding landmarks and enjoying the seaside town. We compared this with Wigan ad we talked about where they would prefer to live and why. The children were wonderful and we managed to enjoy an ice cream at the end of the day.

Spring 2

Below are the knowledge organisers for you to open and view to see what we will be learning in Year 5 this half term. Some of these knowledge organisers will be added to by the children as they are taught, so that they can show their learning journey.


 Computing Game Creator Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
 DT Spaghetti Bolognese Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
 Geography North America Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
 PSHE Puberty Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
 RE Easter Knowledge organiser.pdfDownload
 Science Human Development Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
Showing 1-6 of 6

In DT this half, term the children planned their own recipe for spaghetti bolognese. They then used chopping, dicing and other techniques to prepare the food and then cook it. We tasted the delicious dish and evaluated how well we did!

As one of our 5 ways to wellbeing, we were 'Taking Notice' of our differences and one thing that makes us unique is our fingerprint. The children used different methods to print their own print and decide which of the three types they each were and compared it to the rest of the class.

On World Book Day, we read and explored the book of 'Sulwe', which is all about accepting our differences and celebrating what makes us special. We created some artwork to show this and then wrote poems.

Spring 1

Below is the knowledge organiser for our history topic this half term, our science topic from before Christmas (Autumn 2) will continue. They are working document that the children will be given and they will add to them as they learn through the next few weeks.


The children have been using many skills in art this half term. They created a collage of sweet wrappers, which they then sketched using the correct colours and proportions to make them realistic. They then used a variety of materials to create a background which made the sketch standout in the foreground. 

As it was Mental Health Week, we focused on ways in which we can connect, including with ourselves and others. The children used a bingo style sheet to find facts out about each other, showing that even though they have known them for years, you can always learn something knew about a person by connecting with them.

Autumn 2

Below are the knowledge organisers that show the topics that we will be covering this half term in science and history. They are working document that the children will be given and they will add to them as they learn through the next few weeks.

In our science lessons, we have been carrying out many investigations to test materials. In this lesson, we were looking at which nappy was the most absorbent using a variety of brands, water and through careful observation over time.

Our Christian Value this half was Trust, and it was our turn to create and perform a class worship all about this for the rest of the school and parents to watch. The children did a fantastic job of this, telling a Bible story, their own anecdotes and singing their version of 'Count on me' by Bruno Mars. Well done Year 5!




Autumn 1

Below are the knowledge organisers that show the topics that we will be covering this half term in science and geography. They are working documents that the children will be given and they will add to them as they learn through the next few weeks. 

In our art topic this half term, we were looking at the artist Hudertwasser and how he uses colour on buildings. The children sketched their house from memory and then sketched one from a photograph before using oil pastels to add colour.