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St John's Church of England

Primary School

Year Five 2023-2024

Welcome to the Year 5 page, where you will find the knowledge organisers of what we will be learning about in each subject. Every half term, this page will be updated with photographs of what the children have been doing, so enjoy looking through them to see all of their hard work.

We cannot wait for the year ahead,

Mrs Schofield and Mr Hilton :)

Take a look at our long term plan, so you can see what we are going to be learning about in every subject.

Autumn 1

Have a look at the knowledge organisers by opening the files listed below. These are working documents, so the children will add definitions and answer questions throughout the topic.

 Art KO Architecture.pdfDownload
 Computing KO Coding.pdfDownload
 Geography KO Southport.pdfDownload
 PE KO Badminton and Football.pdfDownload
 PSHE KO Keeping healthy and safe.pdfDownload
 RE KO The Bible.pdfDownload
 Science KO Life Cycles.pdfDownload
Showing 1-7 of 7

Science - Week 2

During our topic on life cycles, we are looking at how living things reproduce. In this lesson, we learnt about how the male cell of pollen is transported so that it can fertilise the ovules, which are the female cells. We used honey on the stigma to make it sticky, sand as the pollen and blue tac as the ovules. We then fused the sand into the blue tac to show the process of fertilisation, where a seed can be made.

Art - Week 6 and 7

In art, we have been looking at sketching houses using lines, shade and tone. We talked about how important it is to sketch lightly and add details before adding dark tones. We then looked at the artist and architect Hundertwasser, who loves to add bold colours and uneven lines to his building designs. The children used his techniques and ideas to design their own house.

Art - Last day

 Today, we were looking at what a monument is before designing a monument for ourselves. We talked about how we can symbolise ourselves so that people can look at it in the future and learn a bit about you. The children designed their monument then used clay and sculpting techniques to create them. 

Autumn 2

Have a look at the knowledge organisers by opening the files listed below. These are working documents, so the children will add definitions and answer questions throughout the topic.

 Computing KO Databases.pdfDownload
 Computing KO ESafety.pdfDownload
 DT KO Electrical Systems.pdfDownload
 History KO Maya Civilisation.pdfDownload
 PE KO Netball and Dance.pdfDownload
 PSHE KO Esafety and Being Responsible.pdfDownload
 RE KO Christmas around the World.pdfDownload
 RE KO Christmas The Gospels.pdfDownload
 Science KO Materials.pdfDownload
Showing 1-9 of 9

DT - electronic cards

 In DT this half term, the children have been looking at using an electrical system within a Christmas card. They planned, designed, created and evaluated their own to include an LED light that successfully lit up. 

ScienceNappy absorbency 

We have been testing different materials to see their properties and in this lesson, we planned an investigation to find the most absorbent nappy on the market. 

Spring 1

 This term, Miss O'Leary joined the St. John's family!

Take a look at our knowledge organisers for this term by opening the files listed below. These are working documents so the children will add information such as definitions as we go. 

 Spring 1 Knowledge Organiser PE Gymnastics.pdfDownload
 Spring 1 Knowledge Organiser PE Tennis.pdfDownload
 Spring 1 Knowledge Organiser PSHE Feelings and emotions.pdfDownload
 Spring 1 Knowledge Organiser RE Women.pdfDownload
 Spring 1 Knowledge Organiser Romans.pdfDownload
Showing 1-5 of 5


In Science this term, we have continued testing different materials. One lesson, we investigated reversible and irreversible changes recognising that irreversible changes create new materials. In another lesson, we tested different filters out to see which would best filter sand and water. 


In Art, we looked at different collage artists and used sweet wrappers to create our own collages! We enjoyed cutting and sticking creating a variety of patterns and layering materials. 

Spring 2

Take a look at our knowledge organisers for this term by opening the files listed below. These are working documents so the children will add information such as definitions as we go. 

 Spring 2 Knowledge Organiser Geography North America.pdfDownload
 Spring 2 Knowledge Organiser PE Cricket.pdfDownload
 Spring 2 Knowledge Organiser PE Tag Rugby.pdfDownload
 Spring 2 Knowledge Organiser PSHE Growing and Changing.pdfDownload
 Spring 2 Knowledge Organiser RE Easter.pdfDownload
 Spring 2 Knowlege Organiser DT Cooking and nutrition.pdfDownload
 Spring 2 Science Knowledge Organiser Human development.pdfDownload
Showing 1-7 of 7

World Book Day 2024

As part of this year's World Book Day, we were lucky enough to have author Sean Perkins visit us. He guided us through a personification workshop where we created stories out of the items you'd find in your pencil case! We thoroughly enjoyed dressing up and reading our stories to the children in Year 1. 


This term, we have been looking at poetry within English. We learned the poem 'Poetry' by Karl Nova and worked together in groups to decide which parts of the pome each of us would perform. We then worked on our expression and intonation to perform our poetry to the class. 


In DT, we have been researching how to make spaghetti bolognaise. We have explored the different food groups and the foods within them and made our own recipe. We thoroughly enjoyed eating our portions!


As pat of our poetry topic in English, we wrote our own poems based on Karl Nova's poem about the seasons. We focused on our expression and intonation and worked really hard to perform in front of our peers! Some of us even included actions!

Summer 1

Take a look at our knowledge organisers for this term by opening the files listed below. Some of these are working documents and so the children will add information, such as definitions, as we go.

 Sumer 1 Knowledge Organiser PE Hockey.pdfDownload
 Sumer 1 Knowledge Organiser PE Netball.pdfDownload
 Summer 1 Knowledge Organiser Geography South America.pdfDownload
 Summer 1 Knowledge Organiser PSHE The Working World.pdfDownload
 Summer 1 Knowledge Organiser RE Jesus as Teacher.pdfDownload
 Summer 1 Knowledge Organiser Science Forces.pdfDownload
Showing 1-6 of 6

This term, we celebrated our school's 140th birthday! As part of our celebrations, we dressed up as different decades. Year 5 chose the 1920's! We had a classroom full of flapper girls and gangsters. Take a look at our pictures below.


As part of our Geography topic and learning all about South America, we explored the Amazon rainforest. we found out so much information on rainforests that we were able to create our own dioramas focusing on the rainforest's different layers. We thoroughly enjoyed this lesson!


In Art this term, we created ink blot art in the style of Rorschach. Can you see any images within the patterns we created?

Summer 2

Take a look at our knowledge organisers for this term by opening the files below. Some of these are working documents and so the children will add information, such as definitions, as we go. 

 Summer 2 Knowledge Organiser Computing.pdfDownload
 Summer 2 Knowledge Organiser DT.pdfDownload
 Summer 2 Knowledge Organiser History.pdfDownload
 Summer 2 Knowledge Organiser PE Athletics.pdfDownload
 Summer 2 Knowledge Organiser PE Rounders.pdfDownload
 Summer 2 Knowledge Organiser PSHE A world without judgement.pdfDownload
 Summer 2 Knowledge Organiser Science.pdfDownload
 Summer 2 RE Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
Showing 1-8 of 8