Hi Year 4
We hope you are all OK. We are missing you all so much. We've added the Context for Learning to show you what are topics are for this Summer term. Have a look at it and think about what you could do to learn something from this - it could be Egyptians, habitats for Science, keeping up with those times tables on TT Rockstars or just even having a look at the tasks we have set you on Doodle Maths and Purple Mash.
There has been some super work being sent back in - so keep it up.
Most of all, remember to stay safe by staying at home as much as you can.
Keep working hard. Sending you lots of love.
Mrs Morley, Miss Critchley, Mrs Lathom and Mrs Ryan xxxx
Year Four 2019.20
Below you will find our year overview for what we are learning in Year 4. You will also find our context for learning for the first half term.