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St John's Church of England

Primary School

Year Four 2022.23

Welcome to the Year 4!

This page will be updated with information and pictures about what we are learning each half term. 

We are really looking forward to another brilliant year ahead. 

Take a look at our long term plan for 2022.23

Summer Term

During our science lessons we have been learning all about our amazing digestive systems! We made our own version of a digestive system, starting with the food being chopped up by our ‘teeth’ then entering our ‘stomachs’ to be churned with acids and enzymes, through our ‘intestines’ and then the best part exiting our bowels. It was very interesting to see the journey of food and how it changes.

 Summer 1 - DT Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
 Summer 1 - French Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
 Summer 1 - RE - knowledge organiser.pdfDownload
 Summer 1 - Science Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4

Spring Term.

Our Christian value this half term was perseverance. We created and performed a class worship in front of the whole school and our parents and relatives. We talked about inspirational people who have shown perseverance through their lives, we then told the story of the lost sheep and how the shepherds didn’t give up, they carried on looking until they found their lost sheep. We then sang a song called, Don’t stop, never give up by S Club 7. We feel very motivated to keep trying hard in our work in order to achieve.

In year 4 we have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument, either the flute or the clarinet. We have musical teachers who come in to teach us each week, and we then get to showcase our talents in front of an audience of children and parents. We like showing what hard work we have been doing. 

We had a visitor in school, who came to talk to us about road safety. We discussed crossing roads safely and practised our listening skills. 

During our geography lesson we have been using atlases to recognise the shape of the different continents and where their position is on the globe, before we move on to look at the continent we live on, Europe, in more detail.

During our electricity topic in science, we experimented and explored how electricity flows and what a complete circuit is. We also looked at what insulators and conductors are, and how they affect the flow of electricity in our complete circuits.

 Spring 1 - DT Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
 Spring 1 - French Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
 Spring 1 - Geography Knowledge Organiser - Europe.pdfDownload
 Spring 1 - Science Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
 Spring 2 - Art Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
 Spring 2 - French Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
 Spring 2 - History - Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
 Spring 2 - Science - Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
 Spring RE knowledge organiser.pdfDownload
Showing 1-9 of 9

Autumn Term

We created collaborative art pieces based on a poppy to commemorate Remembrance Day. We used different techniques, such as water colours, oil pastels and collage.

We learnt a story in french and played lots of French speaking games. It was a lot of fun!

During our History lessons, we used different artefacts to gather information about the time period we are studying.

During our art lessons, we looked at the artist Thomas Minton, and his Willow Plates. We learnt that the pictures on them tell an old Japanese fable. We used blue ink on paper plates to tell an old British tale, of the Three Little Pigs. Don’t they look great? 

During our English lessons we love to get up and perform. We create freeze frames and take on lots of different characters. All of this helps with our reading, writing and understanding of the different texts. 

 Autmn 2 - DT Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
 Autumn 1 - Art Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
 Autumn 1 - RE - knowledge organiser.pdfDownload
 Autumn 1 - Science - Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
 Autumn 1 French Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
 Autumn 1 Geography Knowledge Organiser - Liverpool.pdfDownload
 Autumn 2 - French Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
 Autumn 2 - History Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
 Autumn 2 - Science Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
Showing 1-9 of 9