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St John's Church of England

Primary School


Year Two 2016.17
Welcome to the Year Two class page. You will find out what we have been doing. We plan to add photographs and videos of the things we do in Year Two.


Transition Day

As part of our transition from Year One to Year Two, we spend the day working in the Year Two classroom.  We worked really hard at everything we were asked to do.  Mrs Ashley and Mrs Livesey were very impressed with our behaviour and attitude to work.

First Half of Autumn Term 


Week beginning 5th September.

Now that we have settled in and know the routines we are going to start our themes for the different areas of the curriculum.  In Computing we are going to be astronauts.  In art we will be looking at buildings.  As soon as all permission slips have been returned, we will be able to put photographs and videos of what we have been doing. At the moment we can only put photographs of our room. 

Keep watching for updates!


Week beginning 12th September.

We have been very busy in Year Two. In art we went outside to look at the different patterns in the playground. Our artwork has been created using the patterns we found.  We also drew self-portraits for a display.



Week beginning 19th September.

In maths we have been counting and representing numbers in different ways.  


Week beginning 26th September.

In Computing we are starting our theme on astronauts.  We worked with our computer buddies to create a picture of space.  We used a range of tools such as flood fill to colour large areas quickly and the text tool to add our names.



 During our art sessions we have been looking at the patterns in our beautiful building.


Second Half of Autumn Term






First Half of Spring Term


Week beginning 16th January.

This week saw the launch of the Daily Mile at St. John's.  In Year Two we are aiming to jog at least three times each week.  We found it more difficult than we thought!

Week beginning 23rd January.

In maths this week we have been learning to sort odd and even numbers.


The last week of this half term was our turn to lead Worship.  It took a lot of courage for us all to stand up and speak in front of all the school and our parents and carers.  Thank you to all the grown ups that came to watch and for the lovely comments that you made on the evaluation sheets.